The Value of Digital Loyalty in Banks
Common Sense Virtual Roundtable:

How BFSI Wins in the “Attention Economy”

December 2nd, 2021, Successfully held

Presented by


Here’s what we discussed:

Tech leaders including FinTechs are rewriting the rules of engagement and loyalty in financial services. What customer engagement lessons can banks and insurers learn from disruptive digital entrants? What approaches best match established BFSI firms’ inherent strengths?

In this session, we discussed ways innovative engagement programs can help BFSI leverage trust and build loyalty with younger customers.

Some questions we discussed:

  • What disruptions are you seeing today, and are you driving some of those through FinTech investments?
  • Does trust equal loyalty, and vice versa?
  • What technologies are best suited to facilitating connection and engagement with younger demographics?

Moderated by 

Eugene Yap
Head of Consulting, Strategy & Analytics, Epsilon

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