As marketing departments get slashed, those of us remaining need to innovate quickly. GenAI is leveling the playing field for messaging and content, so how do you break through all the noise?
We spent time discussing key challenges and sharing solutions and lessons learned along the way. The challenges we dug into include:
Is the yield on your event strategy dropping? The number of events have exploded in recent years, and that’s created some fatigue around popular formats from roundtables to trade shows. How do you balance leadership demands to improve ROI vs prospects’ impatience with sales pitches? What’s working best today, and how do you see that changing over the next 12 months?
Keeping your ICP updated – as the pace of change accelerates, what motivates your prospects isn’t standing still. If you regularly go to market with technology partners, this challenge is at least doubled. How are you dealing with this, and what kinds of changes are you seeing?
Presented by
BuyerForesight™ is the producer of Common Sense Conferences™
Dedicated to designing focused conversational marketing programs backed by company and contact intelligence, our programs emphasize storytelling, stimulating debates, and unexpected insights. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other savvy marketers.
Demand Gen Innovation – We were a part of the conversation on emerging demand gen strategies and how cutting-edge technologies are shaping engagement. We shared fresh ideas for 2025 that could align with and enhance our own strategies.
11:45 – 12:30
Welcome & Lunch
12:30 – 01:00
Improving ROI on Events
01:00 – 01:30
Keeping Your ICP Updated
01:30 – 02:00
Demand Gen Innovation
02:00 – 02:30
Networking & Final Remarks

Lunch at Convene 101 Park Avenue

Convene 101 Park Avenue
101 Park Ave, New York, NY 10017,
United States