Here’s what we discussed:
Real-time stream processing promises the ability to make faster business decisions, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and identify threats and risks before they become a problem. But that promise requires a combination of low latency, scale, high availability, and consistency – an architectural challenge that is difficult to achieve.
Most tools sacrifice consistency. If this compromise is creating problems for you, this roundtable will help. Over dinner, we had a frank discussion with 10 technical executives at companies who have solved or are tasked with solving this challenge.
We considered the critical factors in building today’s event-driven architectures, discussed the fundamental tradeoffs, looked beyond the generic analyses, and evaluated technologies and approaches for achieving your specific goals.
6:00 PM – 6:15 PM
6:15 PM – 7:00 PM
Roundtable Discussion
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
8:00 PM – 8:20 PM
8:20 PM – 8:30 PM
Solution Expert

Principal Solutions Architect, Volt Active Data
Seeta loves discussing data architectures and finding harmonious solutions to tough challenges in this area. At Volt, he brings his 20 years of experience to work with our customers and prospects, understanding their problems and helping them get the best out of our product. He lives in the Greater Boston area and loves to travel, meet new people, and discover new challenges.
Dinner at Morton’s Steakhouse

Morton’s Steakhouse
136 Washington St, New York, NY 10006
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Participation in this in-person networking session is at no cost to qualified attendees. Once you’ve completed the registration, we’ll confirm your invitation and send you a calendar invite with directions to the venue.