Mitigating Threats with
Post-Quantum Cryptography
Networking Dinner at QT Melbourne

9th March 2023, 18:30 - 21:00 Melbourne Time, Successfully Held

Mitigating Threats with Post-Quantum Cryptography
Networking Dinner
at QT Melbourne

9th March 2023,
18:30 - 21:00 Melbourne Time,
Successfully Held

Presented by


Here’s what we discussed:

Quantum computers are quickly approaching the computing power and stability they’ll need to break the classical cryptography including the very widely used RSA algorithm but also Elliptic Curve algorithm. These cryptographic algorithms routinely protect sensitive data, applications, and transactions in business and consumer situations.

The timeline for the general availability of Quantum Computers is thought to be around 2030, but breakthroughs could easily take 2-3 years of that prediction. So cybersecurity and risk managers are recommended to commence planning their migrations now. Already the risk of “harvest now – decrypt later” is evident where long-term data protected with the RSA algorithm, for example, can be stolen and decrypted later, the data is still valuable in a few years’ time.

Also, the candidate PQ algorithms coming from the NIST competition will be immature, already one has been broken with a classical attack just a week after its release.

Don’t underestimate the effort needed to migrate to post-quantum cryptography – the effort will take years. Understanding what cryptography you use, an accurate inventory is the first step such that a security assessment can be carried out. Prioritization then follows by understanding the sensitivity of the data the cryptography protects so the highest risk areas are resolved first.

Alongside this, getting very efficient at Crypto Agility (the controlled evolution of your cryptography) is essential, otherwise, there are not enough years left to migrate a large landscape. There is also the risk of a PQC candidate algorithm not being as PQ-safe as expected, so another evolution may be required.

In this executive roundtable, Entrust experts discussed challenges and helped prioritize the key tasks in the preparation for the quantum computing age. We explained how we can help you with the best practices that Entrust’s Cryptographic Center of Excellence (CryptoCoE) and our Post-Quantum Readiness deliver to put your post-quantum plan in motion.

Dinner at QT Melbourne

QT Melbourne
133 Russell St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

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18:30 – 18:45

Welcome and Registration

18:45 – 19:30

Roundtable Discussion

19:30 – 20:30

Discussion & Dinner

20:30 – 20:50


20:50 – 21:00



Ian Christofis
Principal Managing Consultant, Digital Security Solutions, Entrust
Kathy Lee
Regional VP, Professional Services Asia Pacific & Japan, Entrust

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We will follow COVID guidelines mandated by the government and the Venue.

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